Monday, April 11, 2011

Heaven's Cookie

During a recent trip to Whole Foods, they were giving out samples of these delightful treats from Heaven's Cookie. Being sold at Whole Foods, you know these cookies are made with all natural and organic ingredients (only seven). Before biting in, we were told these were made with brown rice puffed cereal (like brown rice Rice Krispies). It's always something, right?

Well, let me tell you, that cereal was magic! It added extra crispiness to an already slightly crispy cookie. Plus it made them seem lighter. On a separate note, the ratio of chocolate chips to cookie was just perfect. It is very easy to eat a whole container (about 16 bite-sized cookies for $6.79). 

As a bonus, Heaven's Cookie donates 10% of their net profits to help shut down puppy mills. To find where Heaven's Cookie products are sold or to buy your own, visit (or email

Have you ever made cookies with rice cereal?

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