Monday, February 28, 2011

The Cravory

I have a new cookie for the Top 10 List! It is The Cravory's Red Velvet cookie. This soft, chewy, buttery cookie with chocolate chips and cream cheese bits tastes just like a red velvet cupcake. You will not be disappointed.

These cookies used to only be available at a weekly San Diego Farmer's Market (under the name 410 Degrees), but now you can get the same great cookies shipped to you from The Cravory.

I tried the 2 Dozen Mix Special (four kinds of signature cookies) with Red Velvet, Ultimate Chocolate Chip, Banana Creme Pie, and Chocolate Truffle. The Ultimate Chocolate Chip and Banana Creme Pie cookies had the same texture as the Red Velvet Cookie. The Ultimate Chocolate Chip cookie was good, but in comparison to the other cookies, it was very average. It lacked a sufficient amount of chocolate chips, and the sea salt mixed in was too strong in some bites and completely missing in others. The Banana Creme Pie cookie was the chewiest of them all and is a great mix of banana and vanilla wafer pieces. I would much rather enjoy pie in cookie form like this! The Chocolate Truffle cookie was more like a brownie and had BIG chunks of chocolate mixed in. If you are in need of chocolate, this cookie will satisfy your desire (probably just half of the cookie would!).

The "Create Your Own Cookie" feature is coming soon, but The Cravory has so many creative and delicious combinations that I will be leaving the cookie making to them. For more information and to order your own cookies, visit


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